Tuesday, March 17, 2009

P - WEEK (opus #7)


When speaking about professional, there are many approaches one could take. You could take the route and understanding that a professional is one that follows an occupation as a means of livelihood or for gain. This person tends to be an expert in that occupation and earns their living by means of this “profession.” Professional could also suggest the manner in which something or someone is presented. If it, or they, were presented in an unprofessional manner, one would suggest that they lack the necessary ways to communicate an idea in an orderly and appropriate fashion in regards to the audience. Someone who shows up to work dressed in inappropriate attire can be viewed as unprofessional. A presentation given in an informal, unorganized and incoherent manner is viewed as unprofessional and is frowned upon. For a presentation, or presentation board, to be professional, it must be simple, coherent, and organized to convey a sense of order.


A process describes the journey a designer takes throughout his career or throughout a project. This process displays the different steps it takes to reach a final goal or design. It ranges from the brainstorming and idea-creating portion to a segment of organizing many ideas and simplifying them to create a more conceptual abstractness. From this point, a designer moves through the process and develops his designs, working to recreate them and enhance them to be a better designed final product.


A periphery is the essential outskirts or restrictions of a city or urban place. It is similar to a boundary in that it defines and surrounds the external limitations of a space. It delineates a certain space or district and places emphasis on that boundary and its importance in the space or design. As with the Greek city of Athens, the Acropolis was designed in a way that has paths leading out to farms and more flat landed areas with homes and other public buildings. “At the base of Akropolis, paths leading out to the surrounding farms eventually became streets and along one of these, northwest of the mass of the Akropolis a roughly triangular, open space was set aside as the agora, whose boundaries were defined by surrounding houses and public buildings.” (Roth 222) Roth shoes how the boundaries of the Akropolis are designed around the space and are emphasized in that Periphery. 



A portfolio is a compilation of works by an artist, designer, or architect that is usually carried and contained in a flat, portable case. This collection of works is usually what people show and present to a client or employer to illustrate the quality and examples of their work and ability. Organization is an imperative part of the portfolio as a whole. It makes things easy to find and read, making it easier to communicate one’s work and designs. Organization and coherency boosts the professionalism of the portfolio, allowing clients to view your quality and skills as a professional designer. 


Perspective is helpful when visualizing a space from a certain point of view. It is a picture that employs a technique of locating vanishing points to recreate the space in a certain point of view, capturing it in the state in which it exists before the human eye. The way we perceive the building or space changes from the point of view. One can view the space front a frontal position, where a single vanishing point exists. One can also view the space from a different angle in which more than one vanishing point might occur. These vanishing points and perspectives aid in making a drawing proportionate to the way we would visualize it by the human eye. 

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